The Digital Transformation of Africa 4 a Digitally Inclusive Economy

E-medical Portal


Various health care providers and actors are uncertain and with limited knowledge on how Information and Communication Technology can impact the provision of quality Health care services in terms of Accessibility, accuracy, efficiency and less time constraint. In spite of the advancement in technology, the Medical Products Agencies, institutions and organizations such as Hospitals, Health Centers, Pharmacies, Drugs dispensaries and Chemist, totally lack an appropriate platform or medium to reach out to the target beneficiaries and obtain satisfactory results. Whereas on the other hand, patients and other beneficiaries of the health care products and services lack an appropriate platform to connect and seek advice, get appropriate medical products and guidance on how to manage their health

Furthermore, an increasing number of incidents related to poor health management issues, lack or limited access to equipment, require careful attention and guidance from specialists who are always beyond the reach of most patients especially those in remote and rural areas.

On several occasions patients have suffered severe consequences to that effect due to:

  • Lack or limited access or information to health care facilities, drugs and specialist advise especially in the rural and remote areas
  • Inaccuracy and inefficiency in medical service provision
  • Delay in health care service delivery

E-Medical Portal project is designed to introduce Online Health and Medical Service provision to institutions, actors and Health policy makers to enables them make Health Care services and its product as well as equipment accessible to consumers using mobile phones, tablets and Computers. Within the framework of this project, I-GLOBE Partners with Health policy makers and Stakeholders to build an Application that collects and communicate Health information to each and every stakeholders, and deploy it on multiple devices, and train local, national and international Health/Medical institution, Medical equipment dealers Pharmaceutical companies, Pharmacies, Health Centers, Drugs, Diseases and Patients to use it to make health products and services accessible to everyone depending on the information they need.

Aims of the Project

Currently, eMedicals is recognized as one of the key drivers of quality health access, and enable everyone to be connected and updated with his/her health status..

This Project is aimed at ensuring the following:

  • Health for all and Equal access to quality healthcare in both rural and Urban Areas
  • Access to Healthcare facilities, appropriate drugs and specialist advise
  • Access to information and knowledgebase on health related issues and diseases
  • Increase in Health awareness and fight against pandemic and epidemic diseases breakout
  • Promotion of best practices in the development of the Health sector by actors in the system through collaboration.
  • Building an open Health system where any one can be a part of
  • Digitize information about our Hospitals, Pharmacies and Medical centers for easy access by communities and the general public
  • Access to information such as Patients Medical History and Health Service Reports


MISSION, GOAL Objectives


The mission of this project is to introduce an Electronic Health System (EHS) to the health industry that enhance access, efficient and accuracy in health information (medical history and Reports) and health products/service delivery to communities, alongside launching a user friendly E-medical Application that enhance online collaboration of medical personnel, health organizations, companies and most of all the patients who are the target beneficiaries.


Enhance equal Access to quality Health care, equipment and pharmaceuticals with advanced technologies


The key objectives of the project are:

  1. Upgrade and Configure the system to VPS Hosting facility and integrate payment gateways with Visa cards and Mobile money
  2. Mobilization of Health Stakeholders/Policy makers, medical professionals, institutions and organizations in the 10 regions of Cameroon for training the workshop on eMedical Access using Advanced Technologies
  3. Organizing 10 Training workshops for mobilized participants in the 10 Regions of Cameroon on how to use eMedical and Pharmaceutical Portal Application to administer health services online.
  4. Launching of the eMedical Application.


The project is designed to target the following

  • Pharmacies: Pharmacies will subscribe and create their online pharmacies online making various drugs and other products it searchable and accessed by patients who search for pharmaceutical products near them. Each pharmacy can generate sales reports based on product or period
  • Hospitals: Hospitals will also create their online pharmacies and equipment available for other institution to hire. They will equally access and manage patients information (Medical History) during consultation
  • Health Centers: Hospitals will also create their online pharmacies and equipment available for other institution to hire. They will equally access and manage patients information (Medical History) during consultation
  • Medical Equipment Dealers: Create and manage online Equipment shops to target Hospitals and Health Centers
  • Pharmaceutical Companies: Create online shops and supply pharmaceuticals to pharmacies, Hospitals and Health Centers.
  • Medical Professionals: Create Verifiable professional accounts that enable them to offer counseling services to patients and access jobs from various health institutions in the platform.


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